

Click the boxes below to view governor information.

More Members:


Details of the Excalibur Academies Trust board can be found here.


  1. Parent governors are elected by parents (minimum of 2 out of 12)
  2. Staff governors are elected by staff (maximum of 3 out of 12)
  3. Community governors are appointed by the academy committee (maximum of 10 out of 12)
  4. Ex-officio governors are appointed as a result of their role

The Wren School Academy Committee


The Wren School Academy Committee (the Academy Committee) and thenceforth ‘the Academy Committee’, was initially appointed by the Members of The Wren School Academy Trust on 8 June 2015 and included parents, staff and members of the community. As Trustees and Directors, governors ensured the strategic direction of the school, accountability throughout the school and financial probity.  The academy transferred to Excalibur Academies Trust on 1st February 2019.


The Academy Committee acts as a Local Academy Committee for Excalibur Academies Trust and the Academy Committee works alongside the principal and his senior leaders to support and challenge their work. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Academy Committee aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being. Minutes of the meetings of The Wren School Academy Committee and the Excalibur Academies Trust are available on request.  Please contact the Clerk to the Academy Committee at [email protected].

Click here to read Excalibur Academies Trust’s vision statement

Roles and organisation

Chair of Governors

Julia Cottee

Vice Chair of Governors

Jackie John

Details of governors’ roles and responsibilities can be seen below.

Excalibur Academies Trust Roles

Chair of Governors

Julia Cottee

Vice-Chair of Governors

Jackie John

Safeguarding Governors

Suzanne N’Jai and Julia Cottee

Health and Safety Governors

Mark Barrett and Andy Twine

Finance Governor

Julia Cottee

Sustainability Governor

Lorraine Slade

Education Performance Governor

Jackie John

Clerk to Governors


The Wren School Roles

Academy Improvement Link Governors

Governor Development – Julia Cottee


Curriculum Link Governors


Mark Barrett

Computer Science

Julia Cottee


Suzanne N’Jai


Julia Cottee

Modern Foreign Language

Andy Twine

Personal Development, Wellbeing & PHSE

Suzanne N’Jai

Physical Education

Jackie John


Lorraine Slade